"AI met Impact"

The Municipality of Amsterdam, the Central Bureau of Statistics, the Association of Dutch Municipalities, and Code for NL enter into a strategic alliance in the field of transparent and fair algorithms, data science and AI.

We do this to develop innovative policy, with the aim of improving it government services throughout the Netherlands.

We are building an active data science and AI community, and standards for both local governments and central government.

This project is made possible by Innovatiebudget BZK.

Want to learn more?
Contact us!

Municipalities wanted!

We have selected 3 open source solutions that provide the service to improve and accelerate citizens. We want to investigate together how these can be scaled up from Amsterdam to other municipalities. Rotterdam, Utrecht, and others have already signed up for this. Participation is possible on three levels (see below).

We will do all the knowledge, data, and methods that result from these solutions share with other municipalities and governments in the Netherlands for recycling.

Co-financing is available for technical development.

Clean city object recognition

Smarter collection of waste by using AI object recognition. Amsterdam focuses on rubbish on the side of the road, Utrecht on CROW measurements, and Rotterdam is looking at additions.

Want to join? Send an email to Tamas via objectherkenning@codefor.nl.

Fair algorithms

How do you ensure algorithms that do not discriminate? And how do you as a municipality put algorithms on one responsible, controlled manner?

Want to participate? Send an email to Gerhard via eerlijkealgoritmes@codefor.nl.

Flow through social rent

Promote the flow of social rent based on research into relocation opportunities.

Want to participate? Send an email to Tamas viaverhuiskansen@codefor.nl.

Participation is possible on three levels

#participation for municipalities

We are looking for municipalities that actively participate in (one of) the three projects. By this we mean that there is at least one data scientist or developer on behalf of the municipality, and that it actively participates on the weekly cooperation day.

contact us!

#learning for data scientists

Data scientists and other techies within the government who want to learn of the projects, but are unable or unwilling to participate, are very welcome on the monthly open collaboration day, on which the (technical) demo also takes place.

#learn more?
check the schedule!

#watch for governments

For administrators, policymakers, and executive officials who want to know more about the possibilities of data science and AI, and how that is already the case And is applied in practice, we provide an overview of show cases at our Clarity page . Every month we organize meetings at which one or two of these examples are explained. There is also much room for dialogue about the ethical considerations and experiences.

Check the schedule!


31 oktober: #meedoen kick-off

Bijeenkomst voor gemeenten die actief willen meedoen in één van de projecten (onderdeel van de Den Bosch Data Week).

Register at https://www.meetup.com/Code-For-NL/events/265736974/

13 november: #meekijken bijeenkomst i.s.m. Kennisnetwerk VNG Realisatie

Bijeenkomst voor iedereen die meer wil weten over de inzet van AI binnen gemeenten, op basis van twee concrete show cases.

Register at https://www.meetup.com/Code-For-NL/events/266288206/

19 november: #meeleren dag projecten: objectherkenning

Inhoudelijke demo's en presentaties over de technieken achter de verschillende projecten, en open samenwerkdag voor data scientists en developers bij AMS.

17 december: #meeleren dag projecten: objectherkenning
11 december: #meekijken bijeenkomst in Utrecht

Bijeenkomst voor iedereen die meer wil weten over de inzet van AI binnen gemeenten, op basis van twee concrete show cases.

4 februari: #meekijken bijeenkomst: verantwoord AI

Op welke manier kunnen we AI verantwoorden? Welke kaders voor verantwoord gebruik van AI zijn er al en waar wordt nog aan gewerkt? Hoe kun je verantwoord AI gebruik in de praktijk toepassen?

4 maart: #meekijken bijeenkomst: objectherkenning

Voor deze meekijksessie gaan we 4 maart naar Amsterdam, waar een tech team momenteel werkt aan de Object Detection Kit. Door middel van scanners op gemeentevoertuigen kan afval in buurten objectief in kaart worden gebracht. De software die hiervoor gebruikt wordt is open source beschikbaar.

Register at https://www.meetup.com/Code-For-NL/events/268108950/

Join us on Slack

Our team

Safia Akkus
community manager

Tamas Erkelens
City of Amsterdam

Gerhard Dekker

Chris Vast
VNG Realisatie

Ivonne Jansen - Dings
board member

Johan Groenen

community members
in the Netherlands
weekly active members
in the Netherlands
partner organisations

Join us on Slack